11, 11 Your
analysis seems right on the mark, actually. Thanks again for your
considerate response and an excellent job well done. I look
forward to visiting your site again.--Jon
2, 11 I
write my dreams down every morning and then I go to your
site right afterwards to analyze them. I've been using your site
for years now. LOVE it! You dream site is FABULOUS!
really appreciate all your dream info! --Lisa
30, 11 I
haven't found a website about dreams I love as much as yours!
5, 11: Thank
you for developing such a detailed site explaining dreams.
9, 11: Greetings.
You for your thoroughly amazing website. I have been referencing
"dreammoods" for nearly a decade. --Mary
4, 11: Thank
you for having clear and understandable
hit my recurring dream on the spot!
2, 11: Thanks
very much! I am most impressed with your service and find
your website very helpful. -Anna
25, 11: Your
website is amazing! I have done everything you say and things
are taking a turn for the better. Every time I have a dream I
remember, I turn on my laptop and my homepage is this site. I
interpret everything I remember and the results are top notch.
Thank You!! -Emily
24, 11: I
like to thank you for a very useful and great site of Dream Moods
that you have made. Since long time ago I was going to thank you
for such a great, helpful, humanistic, and amazing job that you
have done by creating this site. I am Thousands of miles away from
you. I live in Tehran, Iran. I like to congratulate you for
spending your valuable time, for making people happy, and make
them to find out the truth of their lives. - S,Hassan
21, 11: Thank
you so much for such a wonderful site. I've owned at least a dozen
dream dictionaries and none of them can even come close to how
accurate the interpretations on Dream Moods are. You have helped
me through a lot of rough times, and helped me understand my
dreams and myself much better. Thank you so much, I will continue
to use Dream Moods for every dream. thanks! -Danielle
26, 11: Thank
you so much for such a wonderful site. I've owned at least a dozen
dream dictionaries and none of them can ev
14, 11: I
just wanted to say that I absolutely love your website. I use it
every morning when I wake up to interpret my dreams. And so far-
they've been spot on accurate and I've been going to this site for
over a year! So thanks again for this useful website! :) -Bri
7, 11: Just wanted to let you know that your website is
amazing. I've been going on it for maybe a year now and I
absolutely love it. I'd say your dream definitions are at least 90
% of times always relevant to the way I feel like. This makes me
to believe that dreams are the subconscious way of the mind to
broadcast emotional health through symbols and meanings. -- Chris
18, 10: I
just wanted to say that your dream interpretations are right one
the dot correct and sometimes it helps me with my situations. I'm
just so surprised sometimes about how correct the entries our on
this website! Thank you! --Emily
12, 10: I
use this sight almost daily, I dream all the time and this sight
is just amazing. Thanks.--
28, 10: Just
wanted to email and say how much I love your site. This isn't
something I normally do, but I love interpreting mine and other
people's dreams due to the huge fascination I have about them. an
I just say thanks for such clarity in your explanations; yours is
the best I've come across. A
friend of the family has had numerous dreams about her teeth
rotting and falling out and I jumped on your site and happened to
come across the fact that coincidentally she is going through
menopause, which explained a hell of alot!--
26, 10: Great
site, I absolutely love it. Most books and sites I've come across
miss the mark completely. I've had such good fortune with your
site thus far. I thank you for that. Dreammoods has helped me
understand my dreams significantly more than I ever have. You're
usually spot on. Thank you for your insight. -- David
13, 10:
on your website! I have been following it for a long time and I
must say that I am always recommending it to friends with dream
keep up this good work. Only good can come to you all that are
responsible for creating this site. --
25, 10: The
Dictionary is a great resource and I appreciate the effort to make
it available.-- Julie
8, 10:
I would just like to say i am actually astounded at the accuracy
of this website, almost scary!! i have used this site
numerous times and it has been on point, well done!! Thank you
very much. --Ollie
4, 10: I
just want to thank everyone who runs Ever since I
started translating my dreams I've felt so much more in touch with
myself and got to know myself a lot better. Dream Moods is by far
the best dream website out there! :)
16, 10:
wanted to say thanks and great job on this site. I use it often
and always recommend it to people with 'dreamy' questions! Great
job to all concerned. --Becky
23, 10:
find this to be an amazing, tried and true resource.
YOU! -- Joceyln
23, 10:
wealth of information. I thank YOU so much. -- Vincette
10, 10: Dreammoods,
I wanted to personally thank you guys for the website- I normally
would never email, but I've been using dreammoods for about four
years now and I think it's really great, not to mention accurate. --Whitney
9, 10: Congrats
on a REALLY good site with LOADS of pertinent info for amateur and
30, 10: First
of all, let me just say that I absolutely love your site. It has
been immensely useful --Kaitlyn
29, 10: Thank
you so much for creating this website. There's much
appreciation for this website in my whole family. So glad the
dream dictionary exists! Since my knowledge and use of I've got a better understanding of myself, and even
helped my friends oop! Gotta go! thanks again!
18, 10:
just wanted to take a moment to let you know how much I love this
site. I used to refer to a book I bought back in seventh grade,
but now that book seems to pale in comparison to your site. I
always refer to your site to help with interpreting my dreams.
Thank you so much for all your effort you've put into this site!
1, 10: I
am really glad I chose to visit your website. You guys are very
insightful, and definitely spot on when it comes to dream
interpretation. You guys give specific examples for each item or
place or person being interpreted. I often visit websites
that are so vague, you can apply the comments to almost any aspect
of your life, and there's nothing to be gained. I will continue to
visit your website often. Thanks so much! --Stephanie
28, 10: Thanks,
the information seems to be 100% correct concerning my dreams
about waves/tidal waves. Thank you again!! --Matthew
17, 10: I would just like to say I
found your website very interesting. Got alot out of it. Thank you.
12, 10: I just have to say, I've been using your site
for reference to my dreams for years now and it has given me the
best insight of any material I have ever found on the subject. --
4, 10: I love
you guys soooo much. You people have been soo helpful to many.
4, 10:
Let me first say thank you for a fantastic website!! It's a
job well done, as I am an avid follower.--Andy
22, 10: I am always checking your dream dictionary whenever I
had a dream of something. Keep up the good work and more power to
you! --Ken
2, 10: I
to briefly tell you that I love your website and I have been using
this website only for years. Thank you --Michele
23, 09: Amazing,
Splendid and excellent work by your team. I was astonished when I
saw beautiful explanation for even those very hazy dreams. A big
and loud applause for whole team working with --Kishore
15, 09: I
love this site. I think it's wonderful, organized and easy to
13, 09: I've visited a lot of dream websites and is one of my favorites for many reasons.
What I like about this website is that it has a dictionary that is easy to skim through and packed with all sorts of symbols and signs of dream interpretation. The website is very well organized and maintain. The people maintaining the website do a good job of getting back to their members if
there's any questions, at least that's been my experience. There's no exclusion and it’s open to all sorts of people regardless of beliefs. I liked that
there's also all sorts of information on dreams, not just dream interpretations but the science of the brain and the psychology of it all. I also like that there is a message board where you are able to connect with other people who are interested in dreams and can share your own dreams with them, as well as read others and help them with interpretations. Another thing that I liked about Dream Moods is that
there's a peer adoption thing that lets those more familiar with dreaming to help those that want to learn more about themselves and
their dreams. --Anon
15, 09: I
want to thank for your dream page! It's most perfect website for
dreams I've ever seen!! All dreams are there and you don't have to
search other places! --
10, 09: Thank
you soo much. You have helped me understand my emotions and I have
then been able to sort them out. Your meanings are clear and I can
relate to them easily. BEST WEBSITE EVER!!!!!!!!!! :) Thanks again
for all your help!
22, 09: I have been a fan of your site for a couple of years. Your site is the first site I visit when I want to look up a dream meaning. Today when I visited, I thought about all of the helpful information that I've received over the years from your site and felt the urge to give a donation, but I didn't see a paypal donate button or a way to contribute to your site anywhere. Anyways, thanks for providing such great information for those of us who have such a hard time trying to figure out what our dreams are trying to tell us :-) I sincerely enjoy your site very much!
12, 09: Thanks
for providing such a great dream dictionary website - I find it
very useful either for confirming my own interpretations of dreams
or discovering new ones. --Laura
Aug 28, 09: Well done on the great work! -- Kirsty
Aug 20, 09: Thank you for making an amazing website for people to go to if they are not sure what their dream means -- Courtney
18, 09:
I just wanted to thank you for this wonderful website you have
provided. Recently, I have been keeping a diary of the dreams I
remember and then I use your site the next day to analyze them. I
use the dream dictionary and look-up key words from my dreams.
Your dream dictionary has been spot on each time! I am impressed
with the level of thought that goes into creating something like
this and how accurate it has been. I now firmly believe that the unconscious
mind reflects our true emotions and feelings. The level of sophistication
is unreal! -- Keith
Aug 2, 09: Dear webmaster, You guys are the best, just simply incredible. I'm going through a pretty tough time, but the accuracy is amazing at saying what is going on. -- Alex
22, 09: So,
I am just saying that dream moods is a wonderful website that is
truthful and always correct. My Mother and i both use dream moods.
I would recommend dream moods to anyone. I feel that my dreams are
sometimes complicated, I look it up on dream moods and whatever it
say i think about it and discover it is true.Thanks for bringing
my dreams to life. --
A dream moods fan
July 13, 09: Dear people behind the scenes of the most helpful site on the web- Thank you so much for making this website. --Stacy
06, 09: I've
read many books and checked many sites, etc. and have found DREAM
MOODS to be the most accurate description ever. I'm intuitive by
nature, but looking up my dreams and plugging them into my
waking life with the help of your site is really amazing. Keep up
the good work. --Jill
01, 09: I
love the interpretations dreammoods provides. I search your site
every time I have a dream and the results are great. I just click
the letter to search for a particular word relating to my dream
and as I roll through the variety of words I usually find other
words that relate to my dream that I never thought to look for. I
thank you for providing us with your website. --Nora
25, 09: I
just want to thank you for your website. I look at a number of
them and yours is the best.
Thanks for doing this and all the effort you put in.
6, 09: Your
website was extremely helpful and answered many questions for me!
It's greatly appreciated! --Emily
1, 09: Thanks
for the great site. I put you on my favorites. I'm going to look
up these recurring theme dreams that I've been having since I was
4. Yes, I remember them clearly.
Thanks, and I hope your site does well so I can keep going.
May 26, 09: This site is by far the BEST site and dreams source out there available!!! You guys don't know me at all and it's relating to my life so incredibly much, it's unbelievable and fabulous!!! It's the greatest!!! --April
May 19, 09: I do a lot of work with dreams, but I had some last night that had me totally floored. I found your site and looked up some of the symbols, and WOW, it came through loud and clear! I feel SO much better now. Thank you for your great site, it really helped me out! -- Tim
20, 09: I
would just like to personally thank all of the creators and all
the staff of This site has really helped me
through some issues I have encountered and I can't be happier and
more grateful for the site. Once again THANKS!!!!!! --Juston
Apr 13, 09: Hey guys, your service has benefited me in countless ways. I really appreciate it in every way possible. --Andrew
Apr 8, 09: I have been going to your site pretty often and 99% of the time it is soooo true. It's crazy how it relates to my waking life experiences / life.
14, 09: I've
just bumped into your website! I was looking for a comprehensive
and complete online dream dictionary and I found your website. It
is great! Very helpful and the interpretations are adequate and
not wishy-washy! Thanks --Malena
14, 09: Hi
there. I just wanted to let you know how impressed I am with the
accuracy of your suggestions. It was truly fascinating to read
what you had and how PERFECTLY it corresponded to my life and
situation. Thank you. --Cameron
12, 09: I've
gotten into dream interpreting this year and I often use your site
as a guide. It's a huge help and sometimes scarily accurate! I've
been to other dream interpreting sites and none of them are like Dream
Moods. -- Shay
5, 09: Hello,
I must say that this site is one of the best sites I have ever
stumbled across on the internet. It had so many resources of
information that I could utilize. I was truly amazed at the amount
of information contained within your web site. I have enjoyed
navigating the site and have added to my favorites list, I have
also referred lots of other people to the site as well. Thank you
so much for keeping the site free and fun for all of us to enjoy.
23 09: I
just wanted to say thank you for this site. I have searched for
web sites about my dreams and I could never find the web site I
was looking for until I found yours. Thank you I love your web
11, 09: Your
website is astounding. It makes me look forward to dreaming at
night. And in such a scary way, your interpretations were always
correct. Thank you so much. You guys blow every other physic or
dream interpreter away! --Amber
12, 08: Just writing in to say that I think it is a
fantastic site. Helped me to learn loads more about sleep and
dreams. Can't wait until my next dream... --Tom
05, 08: I just wanted to let you know that I am
very impressed with your web site. It's kind of fun looking up my
dreams (well, the one's that I can remember). So far, they have
been right on the money and that truly amaze/fascinates me. Thanks.
04, 08: Just
wanted to send you a quick note to say how much I appreciate the
information available on your site. I am always impressed by the
amount of definitions. Almost every word I look up is there! Thank
you --Erica
12, 08: Wow! Your site is AMAZING! It matched
perfectly so well with what was going that it was almost kind of
creepy... In a good way. Nice job. You have a new...
"convert." :D --Nichole
2, 08: Thanks for keeping things up and staying tuned in to our dream world. I really appreciate all of your work!
2, 08: Hi, I would just like to say that your website is definitely one of most intriguing things I've ever came across on the internet. I loved every bit of it. =) I will be returning every time I get a dream now ;)!
28, 08: This is by far the best and most informative website on dreams on the Internet. I
have been sitting on it since 9am and it is now noon. --Meghan
11, 08: I deeply appreciate the effort you have put into
this website to give insight for troubled individuals like me. -- Alvina
8, 08:
just want to say how impressed I am at the accuracy of your
interpretations are. I don't use anything other than the dictionary.
23, 08: Please make a
book?! I've been trying to find a dream dictionary book and I'm never
satisfied. Please, please, please, turn
into a book!! --Katelyn
30, 08:
books but nothing has better informed me than your website.
25, 08: such
a great service for everyone out there just by being the best dream
interpretation site. Thanks for your great work, and thanks!
18, 08: I
have looked at other books, but none seem to compare to how
accurate the interpretations are in
Many thanks. --Emily
18, 08:
I've been on other sites, but have found THIS site to be the most
complete and informative, easiest to use and sensible. Also, the
resources you have available to all are invaluable. Thank you for
maintaining it. I felt lost without you! --Nichelle
15, 08: Hey! I love your
website, it's the only one I've used since I've found it. THANK
YOU very much for creating and keeping the website up. I just
wanted to send an appreciation email to you guys hopefully showing
a little of how much I appreciate you're effort for us dreamers to
have somewhere to go to talk about our dreams and have people
there willing to help us figure out what our dreams are trying to
tell us. Once again, THANK YOU! --Brittni
15, 08: I
don't know what it is, but I get them and I'll wake up confused as can be, and then read
about them on your site and be astonished at what I'm reading because it suddenly makes perfect sense (most of the time).
I have a friend who uses this site that says its pretty good for her too.
So whatever it is you guys are doing. KEEP DOING IT! haha Sometimes reading about them is more surprising than the dream itself.
15, 08: Thank you for all the years you have given us advice and inner knowledge of these things we call dreams.
30, 08: Hey! I thought I would send you all a message and let you know that yes,
your Dream Moods website is truly awesome! The best kind. --Andrea
23, 08: I use the site nearly everyday and have experienced a greater understanding of my "normal wacky dreams". Your
site and my dreams are very important to me. Keep up the good work!
28, 06:
I just wanted to thank you for your commitment and hard work in putting together an incredibly comprehensive, user-friendly site. I have been referencing your site for years and am always amazed that a) everything I am looking for can be found and
b) it is concise and accurate! Thank you for the easy navigation, the sincerity behind the interpretations, and for keeping the site alive through sheer passion. Thank you also for being so detailed and offering alternative meanings. This site is the
ultimate go-to guide and puts others to shame! Your dedication shows and I will continue to be a reader for as long as I continue to dream ;)
24, 06:
I really got attached to your site and forum. It was amazing you put so much work into it and it's helped so many people in so many ways.
Love and peace. --Tammy
17, 06: I would like to thank you for the building of this
site it has helped me a lot. Thanx and keep up the great work!
26, 04: This is the best, most comprehensive interpretation I have ever seen.
I use it often and it makes sense every time I look up a dream. I
feel it really taps into the true psychology of dreams. --Valerie
03, 04: I really love your site. I have weird and unusual dreams and finally I
found a website where I cant interpret them easily (and at no cost!) Its
great! Dreams is something I get really into and your site has helped make
their meanings clearer! Keep up the good work! --Gemma
03, 04: I would just like to say
that I love your site. I have consulted this site twice for two dreams
that I've had, and strangely enough, your interpretations make sense.
My boyfriend has a book on dream interpretations, and it is only subpar
compared to yours. Thank you so much for keeping this site running, and
for making it available for people who can't afford pay sites! --
19, 04: I found you guys on Google
and boy am I happy! In less than five minutes this site has made a very
frightening recurring dream seem like something I can use constructively
in sorting out my life. Thanks! --Kerrie
03: Just wanted to tell you that I
LOVE your site! I visit it on a daily basis and so do my friends now.
Thank you for having such a wonderful site! --Stephanie
03: This letter is just to thank
you. I have been using this website for the past couple of years and
it has been an important tool in my own spiritual development. Keep
up the good work! --Rebecca
03: Hi there! I'd like to say
that I really enjoy using your site as a reference for Dream Analysis
& Interpretations. It is the most concise collection of terms that I
have seen thus far, and I've been to many different places, but your site
seems to be a real "keeper"! Thanks for providing such a great
resource for us all! --Gil
31, 03: Just
wanted to let u know that this is an excellent site....lots of content in
the dictionary, which is displayed very clearly and is easy to navigate
through... great job... thank you. --Andy
03: I have to say, that I really like your website.
It's user friendly, not hard to get around, and I especially like the
dream dictionary, not to mention, the easy part about getting/giving feedback (at no
cost). --Maya
03, 03: The first time I came to DreamMoods. I was only here to post a dream. When I saw the rant 'n' rave board, I was automatically addicted.
Thanks for your drug-free equivalent of being high!
03: I rarely email people from web sites but this site is
so incredibly thorough, so surprisingly accurate, and has helped me learn so much about myself that I
thought the least I could do was mention this fact :)
03: I have checked all of the dream sites I can find and, bar none,
this is the best. Thank you.
09, 03: I am so pleased with
the content of this sight! Thank you! --Kelly S.
30, 02: VERY Informative,
25, 02: I think your site is one of the best dream dictionary/interpretation sites
and always improving. Keep it up & thanks! --J.F.
18, 02:
I want you to know I never take the time to write to sites, but I think I am going to change that. Your site was great. I went to and brought up dream interpretations and I clicked on a few and was very disappointed. I then came to your site. It was the best.
I absolutely loved browsing through your site. I have bookmarked it as well as sent a link to others I think who would appreciate your site. I wanted to say what a great job you are doing and thanks for having this site available!
01, 02:
Just a quick note to let you know that your site is amazing!! It's so helpful and easy to use. Keep it up!
04, 02:
you so much for your dream interpretation, you guys are great! I
visit your site all the time. : ) Thanks again for your help. And,
I want you to know that your site is bookmarked among my
favorites. --Wendy
04, 02: Your site rates a
huge WOW! Thank you for its content, usability, and just great overall layout. Fab site!
21, 02: Your
website is very detailed!!!
21, 02: THANK YOU so much for having such a wonderful site! I've been blessed and
have told others about it. I'm a very analytical person, so dream symbols
are highly interesting to me. Also, I have very vivid dreams... full of
things and feelings. So, I just wanted to thank you for your site!
07, 02: I just wanted to let you know I was very impressed with your website. I don't usually write to people telling them so, but I found your site so easy to navigate I felt I had to comment.
04, 02: I very much enjoyed your web site.
It is very complete, concise, thorough, and informative. A great deal of information is offered and it is very well structured and laid out.
Thanks for the info. --Paul
23, 02: I really love your site! It is sooooo cool! I
have never seen such a cool site on dreaming! Yours is truly
unique. --Sasilvia
23, 02: Thank you for this wonderful and insightful
website! It makes interpreting my dreams so easy! --Pam
11, 02: I've become a big fan of your website and use it
almost every day to help analyze my dreams. Your information
is very thorough.
21, 02: I really like his dream site. Your dictionary on right
on key and everything. I only wish I had the information when I
was doing my thesis in school. This would have been a perfect
addition. --Johnny
05, 02: I'm so glad you're back. You have a great site, and every time I have one of those
weird dreams I end up here. Now I get to assuage my curiosity. It's a good thing I kept my bookmark!
26, 02: I love the format of your site!! Every word is available and no bleak
answers. --Diane
10, 02: I love your site.
Thanks for all the dream interpretations. I use them daily for
understanding of my own path. I know it takes time and money to
keep a site. I hope this one is around for a good long time.
10, 02: Thank you so much for your website. It has
helped me unravel my dreams immensely. My dreams
are so vivid and diverse that it is hard to find any other
resource that includes all of the symbols that are in my dreams.
Big big thanks. --Amanda
1, 02: This is the first time I have used this site and I
found it very helpful. We no longer have our own dream dictionary
so this helped very much.
24, 01: Wow! Does that ever apply to the situation I was
in at the time. Resolution is coming, though. Love your site! I am
a great believer in dreams. --Frank
24, 01: I have recently found out about your site and am
an avid lucid dreamer and enjoy looking up dream interpretations.
This site is more fun then going through the Zolar book. --Curtis
12, 01: I would just like to say thank you for creating such a complete, easy to use dream website! This is the best dream dictionary that I have found online, and it is so easy to navigate your site.
8, 01: This is a really great sit! It offers everything I need to know about and more. I've been looking for a good Dream site and
a lot of sites don't have very much information. I will definitely come back here on a daily basis, that is if I ever leave.
7, 01: Hello. I just wanted to say that this is a good web site about dreams. I
tried find the meaning of dreams one so many other web site and they didn't have what I was looking for I was getting so frustrated, then I found this web site I just wanted to say thank you.
25, 01: Just a short note to say that I really enjoyed your website. I had a dream that I was pregnant and it had been bothering me as to it's meaning. I visited many other websites without the answers that I was looking for. Your site gave me the answers to my questions. I will certainly mark this site as one of my
favorites!! Thanks again. --Julie
24, 01: Thank you for the dream interpretation.
I'd say that was right on the nail. --Debra
8, 01: Really cool site. I really enjoy browsing through your
Dream Moods dictionary. It's been very useful. It is by far one of the best webs sites about dreams!
Thanks. --Marcie
2, 01: Thank you so much, this was extremely accurate and helpful! --Maggie
21, 01: It has helped me and I am grateful that you have responded twice to me now. You
have a GREAT day and God bless! --Sheila
24. 01: I just wanted to tell you that this site is wonderful! I really enjoy taking a look at the meaning behind my dreams and I think that you have included a wide variety of words to associate with the dreams. I give it two thumbs up!! Your explanations are great
16. 01: I looked through several sights and was finally blessed with yours. It had what I was looking for.
Again, Thank You! --Daniel
16, 01: Dreams have been a hobby of mine and this site has made it even more fun to see what I am thinking and doing in my dream world. Thanks for having it and I am glad I stumbled upon it.
21, 01: I wanted to compliment you on your wonderful dream dictionary! You have a much more extensive selection of words to choose from! Thank you.
19, 01: I just wanted to write and let you know that I think your website, and in particular your dream dictionary is by far the best I've seen online. The dictionary is very comprehensive, and I've been able to find symbols here that I haven't anywhere else. Thank you for the obvious time and effort you've put in to this!
02, 01: Hey, I would just like to thank you because the site has given my clues of where to start finding out what my dreams could
21, 01: I really enjoyed my stay and have bookmarked your site! --Josee
9, 01: Hi DreamMoods! I am addicted to your site. I love it!! I keep a journal next to my
bed now to write down my dreams and logon to find out what is going on in my head.
Your interpretations are always accurate. I absolutely love it! Keep up the
great work!!!! :)
1, 01: Just wanted to tell the webmaster that he/she is doing a good job. The pages load pretty fast. Good naming conventions for the pages. And the response time to inquiries is really good. Keep up the good work!
24, 01: Dear everyone at this site. I loved it.
5, 01: I love the dreams moods site it stays on my
19, 01: Finally! I have read many dream dictionaries and have been through many dictionaries that sort of had some understanding of what might be out there or is being said to a person. It is said angels speak louder when we dream. Sometimes its easy to understand, sometimes it is not. Thank you for sharing a clearer picture of what is on or in our minds, and hearts. This sight is very easy to understand and very clear to let you know that an interpretation can be yours or theirs. People should keep a log of these things and find out exactly what it is they are truly looking for and use this sight to figure it out.
8, 01: I really enjoy your site. It is great, and helps me a lot.
4, 01: My gosh! The flamingo interpretation is right on the money! Thanks for putting
it in the dream dictionary. --Ian
4, 01: Thanks so much for your reply! I go to your site often. I love your site and the way it is set up
- it is very easy to navigate. --Heather
1, 01: I don't really like your new layout. Perhaps,
it is just the initial adjustment. --Jennifer
22, 01: I have been using your site for about eight months(?) and I think it is
absolutely wonderful. Not only do I use it to interpret dreams, but also for
writing-to increase the interest of the prose with a double meaning and plot.
Your expansions are wonderful!
17, 01: I
really like your website!!! I love following up on dreams and other things
of that sort. One day I am going to aspire in a career in this field or
something similar to it. even though I am only 14 I'm am so
fascinated with things like dreams, horoscopes, ghosts, and anything that has an
insight to life. if you have any good web sites please send them to me. it would be
appreciated greatly! once again I think you have some great
information on this website. I enjoyed reading it. --Astee
16, 01: I am impressed about
you adding the words. I hope you keep up this personalized service
- a rarity these days. I commend the usability of your site and its content.
Thanks for the excellent service. I love your site. Thanks!
16, 01: This website is excellent ! Very
insightful and helpful!
3, 01: Nice job with the web site! I checked the meaning of a few dreams. I enjoyed my visit. I may just come back and visit again.
Good job. --Darrell
25, 01: I wanted to let you know I really enjoyed your website. I have numerous dreams and so strange sometimes that its nice to be able to find a website that is simple and easy to maneuver. I have added you to my favorites list and thank you.
8, 01: Thank you very much for the reply.
This is truly an enlightenment. I truly enjoy your site and rest assured that I will tell all my friends to visit your site.
Thanks again and best regards.
21. 00: I really do enjoy this website and I look it up practically every morning.
13, 00: Hi. I really like your website, and I'm sure
a lot of people say that but I have seen practically every dream website made and I like yours the best. I'm fourteen so I want to learn as much about dreams so if other people need help, I could give them advice. Sometimes I hope that my dreams mean something really important, but whenever they are it just freaks me out.
Thank you for dedicating your time to help other people.

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