dream that you have
amnesia suggests that you are trying to block out the rejected or
negative aspect of yourself. You are afraid of change.
dream that you are amorous symbolizes temptations. Your personal desires and illicit
pleasures may land you into trouble. You will find yourself engulfed in
dream that others are amorous signifies that others will try to persuade
you into illicit pleasures and abandon your own sense of morality.
see animals amorous in your dream represent animalistic desires. Do not
give in to temptation as they will be unfulfilling and unsatisfying.
see an Amphisbaena in your dream suggests
that you are being pulled in two different directions. You are feeling
overburdened and do not know whether you are coming or going. Your actions
are counterproductive. Perhaps the dream represents some complicated love
triangle. Alternatively, the dream signifies your desires for children.
see an
amplifier in your dream represents your need to be heard. You need to
voice your opinion.
dream that your limbs are amputated signifies abandoned talents and
serious, permanent losses. It indicates your feelings of frustration,
powerlessness and helplessness. Sometimes amputation may also
represent a situation that you have been ignoring and has finally reached
a crisis point. In particular, to dream that your arms are amputated
suggests that you lack motivation. Dreaming that you legs are amputated
suggests that you are being limited. Something or someone is hindering
your progress and where you want to go in
see or wear an amulet in your dream indicates your need to feel
protected. You are gathering your strength together.
see or be in an amusement park in your dream indicates that you need to set
some time for more relaxation and enjoyment in your life. The rides, booths
and elements in the amusement park are an expression of some aspect of
yourself or some area in your life. Look up the symbolism of specific rides
for more details. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are too easily
distracted lately.
dream that the amusement park is empty or abandoned suggests that you
need to open yourself to more fun and adventure.
dream that the rides at the amusement park are breaking down means that
something in your life is not going as expected.
dream that the amusement park is closed suggests that you are denying
yourself your time for fun and leisure. You need a break.
see an anaconda in your dream symbolizes your creativity and potential.
This snakes also calls attention to your sexuality and your need to be
more in tune with your own sexuality.
See Also Snake.
dream about anal sex represents submission. You may be afraid to yield to
the wants and desires of others.
dream that you
are an analyst suggests that you need to take a closer look at your
behavior and actions.
see an analyst in your dream indicates that you are not acting
appropriately in some situation in your life.
see anarchy in your dream suggests that you need to show some restraint when
expressing yourself.
dream about your ancestors suggest that you are acknowledging your
inherited traits and tradition. You may be trying to hold on to the past
and preserve it.
see an anchor in your dream signifies stability and security. You may be
in search for a solid foundation or a firmer ground in your life. Alternatively,
an anchor indicates that you are
someone who stands firmly
on your views and opinions.
the other hand, an anchor may be seen as a symbol for something that is
holding you back and restraining your freedom. Consider a relationship
that may not be working or a career that is going nowhere for you.
dream of an ancient theme symbolizes your sense of foundation. You are
well-grounded and are able to learn from your past.
see andirons supporting burning logs in your dream indicate that you have
the support of your friends and family. They are there for you.
see an androgynous person in your dream suggests that you are looking to bring together
opposing sides and views. Some aspect of your life requires integration.
see or dream that you are an android suggests that you have lost your
liveliness and sense of spirit. Your life is becoming to monotonous. Alternatively,
the dream indicates that you are acting
without thinking.
tell or read an anecdote in your dream indicates that there is some life
lesson or moral that you need to learn or recognize. Alternatively, it
refers to your idealistic notions.
see anemones in your dream represent distrust and/or death. It is
indicative of a transitional phase in your life.
be under anesthesia in your dream suggests that you are trying to suppress
your emotions instead of confronting them. There may be situation in your
life that you are desperately trying to avoid. You are refusing to take
responsibility for your actions.
see angels in your dream symbolize goodness, purity, protection, comfort and consolation.
Pay careful attention to the message that the angels are trying to convey.
These messages serve as a guide toward greater fulfillment and happiness.
Alternatively, it signifies an unusual disturbance in your soul.
Angels may appear in your dream as a result of your wicked and
mean-hearted activities.
dream that you are an angel suggests that you are feeling good about
something your said or did.
particular, to see three angels in your dream symbolize some sort of divinity.
It is considered a particularly spiritual and holy dream.
see an angel holding a scroll in your dream indicates a highly spiritual
dream. Your future and goals are more clearer to you. The message on the
scroll is particularly significant.
dream that you are holding or expressing anger symbolizes frustrations
and disappointments in your Self. You tend to repress your negative
emotions or project your anger onto others. You need to look within
angry in your dream may have been carried over from your waking life.
Dreams function as a safe outlet where you can express your strong
and/or negative emotions. You are suppressing your anger and aggression,
instead of consciously acknowledging them.
dream that you are angling is a good omen of fortune and luck.
see animals in your dream represent your own physical characteristic,
primitive desires, and sexual nature, depending on the qualities of the
particular animal. Animals symbolize the untamed and uncivilized aspects
of yourself. Thus, to dream that you are fighting with an animal signifies
a hidden part of yourself that you are trying to reject and push back into
your subconscious. Refer to the specific animal in your dream.
dream that animals can talk represent superior knowledge. Its message is
often some form of wisdom. Alternatively, a talking animal denotes
your potential to be all that you can be.
dream that you are saving the life of an animal suggests that you are
successfully acknowledging certain emotions and characteristics
represented by the animal. The dream may also stem from feelings of
inadequacy or being overwhelmed. If you are setting an animal free, then
it indicates an expression and release of your own primal desires.
see lab animals in your dream suggest that an aspect of yourself is
being repressed. You feel that you are not able to fully express your
desires and emotions. Alternatively, it suggests that you need to
experiment with your fears, choices, and beliefs. Try not to limit
Also Dream Themes: Animals
dream that you are watching animation suggests that you can find the
humor and comedy in most situations. You are taking things
See Also Cartoon.
dream that you are watching anime represents your carefree attitude. To
dream that you are an anime character suggests that you need to be more
expressive. You need to convey your emotions more clearly.
dream that there is animosity towards you suggests that you need to
reevaluate a situation and rethink your issues of morality.
see an ankh in your dream symbolizes empowerment, infinite knowledge,
sexual connection or eternity.
dream about your ankles indicates that you are seeking support and
direction in your life. Ask yourself where you want to be headed.
sprain your ankle in your dream suggests that you are experiencing some
obstacles or difficulties in your progress.
see or wear an anklet in your dream refers to the way that your life
going and the decisions you made to get to where you are. It also
signifies passion and lust.
dream about your anniversary represents acceptance or appreciation of some
aspect of yourself. Consider the type of anniversary. If it is a wedding
anniversary, then it symbolizes a celebration of love. You need to accept
love into your life. If it is an
anniversary of a death or some solemn occasion, then it suggests a new start.
The dream may simply mean a reminder of some important date.
feel annoyed in your dream represents annoyances that you are feeling in
your waking life. Something in your mind is bothering you and you need to
express them.
dream that you are getting an annulment suggests that you are in denial
about something.
dream that you have anorexia represents your lack of self-acceptance and
self-esteem. You need to learn to love yourself and accept who you are
instead of punishing yourself. The dream symbolizes your quest for
see an answering machine in your dream suggests that you are not
listening to a message that someone around you is trying to convey.
Perhaps you are experiencing difficulties and frustration in understanding
some idea or viewpoint. Antarctica
dream that you are in Antarctica represents the challenges and hardships in
your waking life and your ability to endure it all.
dream that you live in Antarctica symbolizes your tenacity and drive, even
though the odds may be against you.
see an anteater in your dream indicates that you need to proceed with
caution in some endeavor.
see an antelope in your dream suggests that your high ambitions will only
achieved through a great expenditure of energy. You will
experience much success as a result of your dedication. Alternatively, the
dream may be telling you to flee or retreat from some situation.
see an antelope collapse in your dream means that you are at fault
for a broken-up love affair.
see an antenna in your dream represents your communication with your
surroundings. Consider the condition of the antenna to determine your
ability to transmit your ideas and convey your thoughts to others.
Anthill To
see an anthill in your dream suggests that you are trying to avoid doing any
hard work. You are feeling lazy.
Antibiotics To
dream that you are taking antibiotics suggests that there is some negativity that you
are trying to protect yourself against.
dream that you need an antidote suggests that you are seeking some sort of
balance in your life. You may be looking to right a wrong that you have
done in the past.
Antifreeze To
see or use antifreeze in your dream suggests that you are being emotionally
cold and perhaps need to warm up to others more.
see antiques in
your dream represent your time honored values, tradition, wisdom and
inherited personal characteristics. It
symbolizes something genuine or proven. Certain things in your
past are worth holding onto or worth keeping. If you do not like
or appreciate antiques, then is suggests that you are moving away from
outdated childhood conditioning or old modes of thinking. On a negative
note, you may be discarding or rejecting something of value that you
should really be embracing and heeding.
dream that you are using an antiseptic symbolizes healing and cleansing. You
need to stay away from negative thoughts and think more positively.
see antlers in your dream are representative of masculine sexuality, male
aggression and assertiveness. It
may also be symbolic of a trophy or prize.
see ants in your dream signify your general dissatisfaction in your
daily life. You are feeling neglected and insignificant. Or petty things will
annoy you throughout the following day. The dream may also be a
metaphor on feeling antsy or restless. It may also be a pun on your
also symbolize hard work, diligence, cooperation and industry. Increase business
activities are expected. On a less positive note, ants symbolize social
conformity and mass action. In this regard, you may feel that your life is
too structured and orderly.
to the biblical interpretations, ants symbolize diligence concerning the
things of God. Despite its small size, the ant lays up substance during
times of plenty. (Prov 30:25)
see Anubis in your dream indicates you are in search of clarity. You need some spiritual
guidance. Alternatively, it suggests that death is near.
see your anus in your dream signifies negative emotions that you may be
holding in and repressing. It represents feelings of guilt, shame, and
self-worth. Alternatively, the anus is associated with either your generosity or
stinginess. Consider also you or someone in your life who may be anal
retentive and perhaps need to loosen up a bit.
see an anvil in your dream signifies that you hold the power and key to
your own success, although you will surely have to go through some
struggle and difficulty to achieve your success.
see a broken anvil in your dream denotes that you have let promising
opportunities pass you by forever.
experience anxiety in your dream is a
reflection of what you may be feeling during your waking life. You may
have repressed thoughts, unexpressed emotions, resentment, or hostility that are triggering your anxiety dream. This dream also
suggests that you are taking on too many responsibilities.
dream about an apartment symbolizes a financial or situational state.
To dream of a large lavish apartment indicates an increase to your
financial situation or an improvement to your family life. To dream of a shabby
and dark apartment indicates misfortune and possible loss.
see an ape in your dream indicates deception, mischievous, and falsehood.
Alternatively, it may refer that you or someone have gone "ape".
You need to calm down. The ape may also symbolize your wild inner nature,
particularly your sexual nature.
dream of the apocalypse signifies an emotional and dramatic change taken
place within yourself. The dream may also indicate the end of one kind of lifestyle
and the beginning of another.
see Apollo in your dream represents growth. As the sun god, he also
signifies enlightenment and insight.
dream that you are apologizing to someone denotes the revolving door of
friendships and friends who have come and gone in your life. Perhaps, it is also
representative of truth and forgiveness. It is time to let go of past
Apparel *Please
See Clothing.
see an apparition in your dream symbolizes your spirit for life. It may
also be a message from your unconscious. Alternatively, the dream indicates that
someone in your life in not really there for you. Although they are physically
present, they are not mentally or emotionally there for you.
dream that things appear out of no where suggests that you need to
utilize your intellect in a more creative and productive way. You need to
think clearly and logically. Consider the symbolism of the objects that
appear in your dreams for better understanding of your mind and its
intellectual power.
dream of your appetite suggests that there is an area if your life that
remains unfulfilled. If you feel hungry or thirsty, then it symbolizes
lust and sexual desire.
hear applause in your dream indicates that you are seeking acclaim and
recognition. You need to acknowledge yourself in some area or situation in
your life.
dream that you are applauding another suggests that you need show more
appreciation and praise. Try to be a motivator.
see an apple tree in your dream symbolizes grandeur and magnificence. You
are feeling larger than life.
see apples growing in a tree in your dream symbolize knowledge, wisdom and
great prosperity. Rewards are on the horizon for you. Consider also the common phrase, "an apple a day keeps the doctor
away" which may imply that you need to take better care of your
health. Perhaps you need to go to the doctor. Or the dream may
also be a metaphor for an apple computer.
dream that you are eating an apple denotes harmony, pleasure, and
fertility. In a biblical sense, eating an apple symbolizes your
sexual appetite, lustful desires, and sexual awareness as
associated with the apple in the Garden of Eden.
see green apples represent developing love or love that has yet to
see rotten or eaten apples in your dream, indicates that whatever you are
striving and aiming for may not be fulfilling, and even harmful to you. It
may also represent neglect and carelessness.
Appliance To
fix an appliance in your dream represents your need to work on your
relationship and prevent it from falling apart. Consider the significance of the
appliance for clues on specific area of the relationship.
Application To
dream that you are filling out an application indicates that you are lacking
something in your life. Consider the significance of what the application is for
and how it relates to your waking life. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun
that you need to "apply" yourself. You need to put forth some
effort in order to excel or succeed.
dream that you are going to an appointment suggests that you need to be
more goal-oriented. If you dream that you miss an appointment, then it indicates
that you are not paying enough attention to some minor details and little things
in life.
dream that you are an apprentice suggests that you will have to prove
yourself in order to gain acceptance from your colleagues. Approval To
dream that you are looking for approval from someone indicates that you have
some dependency issues. You need to stop pleasing others and start thinking
about what is best for you. To
see the word "approved" in your dream indicates that you are making
the right choice or decision in life. You are on the right track. To
dream that you approve something represents your sense of power.
see apricots in your dream indicate that something is not what it seems.
Perhaps you are in denial about something. To
dream that you are eating an apricot forewarns of approaching misfortune.
If others are eating apricots, then it suggest that you will be surrounded by
dream of the month of April denotes pleasure and profit are in store for
you. In particular, to dream about April Fool's day indicates that you
are acting like a fool or being foolish.
see an apron in your dream suggests that you or someone is making a
commitment to work on some familial task. You are trying to nurture some
project. Alternatively, an apron symbolizes protection and secrecy.
wear an apron in your dream indicates that you are in a submissive
position. You are letting others tell you what to do.
see aquamarine in your dream symbolizes youth, vitality, creativity, and hope.
The dream may be telling you that you need to open the line of communication
with someone. It may also share some significance with the symbol for water.
see an aquarium in your dream signifies that you have acknowledged your
emotions but have not yet confronted them. Thus, it may refer to your
unconscious thoughts or repressed sexual desires. Also, you may feel that
your life is going nowhere or that you feel it is going in circles.
Alternatively, the aquarium may indicate that you need to calm down and
set some time for yourself to relax and unwind.
To dream that someone is an
Aquarius represents new ideas,
individuality and innovation.
You are looking ahead and preparing yourself for the future. It also refers to an aspect of yourself that wants everyone within a group to be happy and satisfied.
see an aqueduct in your dream symbolizes your spiritual path.
see or dream that you are at an arcade suggests that you need to look
back to a previous event or experience that brought you much joy and
amusement. You want to go back to the good 'ole days. The dream arcade also
serves as a temporary escape from reality. You are trying to numb and
block out your problems. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are
manipulating others or that you feel manipulated.
see an arch in your dream represents your support system.
dream that you are passing under an arch signifies new opportunities. You
are headed toward a different direction or phase in your life.
dream about archaeology indicates your discovery and acknowledgement of
your unconscious. Archaeologist
dream that you are an archaeologist suggests that you need to learn from
past experiences or that you need to look to the past to find answers to present issues.
see an archbishop
in your dream suggests that someone has power over you and are
making you do things that you do not necessarily want to do. Alternatively,
you are feeling confined or restricted. You will experience many obstacles
and setbacks before achieving success and prestige.
see archery in your dream suggests that you are setting your goals and
planning your direction in life. It signifies attainment and fulfillment
of your goals.
see an architect in your dream indicates that your creativity is
being put to work. You are taking on a new project which will require
such creativity. To
dream that you are an architect suggests your need for visual stimulation.
See Building.
dream that you are in the Arctic symbolizes your emotional state. You may
be feeling cold and rigid. Alternatively, it suggests that you are feeling
isolated and lonely.
see or dream that you are in an arena indicates that you need to be in an
environment where you can freely express yourself. You need a stage or
platform for your self-expression. Alternatively, the dream may indicate
that there is some issue or problem that needs to be brought into the
dream that you are arguing suggests that you are trying to resolve some
internal conflict or some unsettled issue in your waking life.
Consider the symbolism of whom you are arguing with and what you are
arguing about. How does he or she reflect some person or some aspect of
yourself in your waking life?
Aries To dream that someone is an
Aries suggests new beginnings and growth. It is representative of your
leadership, your courage, your passion and your enthusiasm.
As represented by the ram, the dream may be telling you that you need to
approach an issue or emotion head on. Alternatively, the dream may indicate some mental problem.
Arithmetic To
dream about arithmetic indicates that you are evaluating a situation in
your waking life where you need to be more rational in your
thinking. Try not to act on your emotions To
dream that you are unable to solve an arithmetic problem or equation,
parallels a waking problem where you may be confused about. The dream may
offer a hint toward a new approach to the waking problem. Something
does not add up in your life.
see an ark in your dream represents rebirth preservation and protection of
something valuable. It is symbolic of wholeness.
see your arms as the emphasis in your dream indicate your nurturance
side and your ability to reach out and care for people. Alternatively, it
may represent the struggles and challenges in your life. Consider the pun
"arm yourself" which implies that you need to protect yourself,
be more aggressive and take a firmer stance on things or the pun "up
in arms", representing anger and your readiness to argue.
dream that your arm has been injured signifies your inability to care for
yourself or your helplessness in reaching out to others. You may have been
feeling limited and restricted in terms of your freedom or activities.
The right arm signifies your outgoing nature and is associated with
masculine energy, while your left arm signifies your supportive or
nurturing nature and is associated with feminine qualities. Losing either
arm may suggest that you are failing to recognize its respective
dream that you rip someone else's arms out indicates that you are
extremely upset with something that this person has done, but you have not
been able to fully express your anger. Because you tend to keep your
emotions inside, it is finding expression in your dreams in a violent way.
see an armadillo in your dream represents your need to establish certain
boundaries. You may be putting up walls between you and those who
want to know you better. Alternatively, it indicates codependency. You
need to be more assertive and not let others step all over you.
dream about Armageddon suggests that you are feeling hopeless and out of
control. The dream may be triggered from the deep emotional stress that
you are experiencing in your waking life.
Armchair To
see or sit in an armchair in your dream indicates that you are completely
secure about your status and position in your waking life. You have established
yourself and deserve respect.
dream that you are wearing an armor symbolizes your defense mechanisms.
You have developed a way of shielding yourself from things that may hurt you.
Alternatively, it means that you are feeling invincible and superior.
see armor in your dream indicates insecurity. You are worried about your well
Car To
see or drive an armored car in your dream suggests that you are feeling
insecure about the progress you have made so far in life. Perhaps you feel that
you are not measuring up to others. You are building a protective barrier or
emotional wall around yourself. Alternatively, the dream means that you need
to be careful of your spending and that you need to protect your finances.
see/notice your or someone else's armpit in your dream represents your
social connections and your relationships to others. It is the
characteristics and personality that you chose to display to the public.
Alternatively, the dream may refer to
something or some place that is smelly.
smell your armpit in your dream indicates that you are making some
character adjustments in order to smooth over a situation or relationship.
Alternatively, it suggests that you are looking for acceptance.
see the army in your dream symbolizes an overpowering force working
against you. You may feel outnumbered or pressured and are unable to deal
with this situation.
dream that you join the army suggests your feelings of superiority. You
feel that no one is any match for you.
smell certain aromas in your dream represents past experiences and
feelings that you associate with that particular aroma. Something in your
waking life may be triggering this past experience. In particular, if the aroma
is sweet, then it symbolizes pleasure and joy.
dream that you are in an arranged marriage suggests that you are feeling
forced to do something you do not want to do. You are reluctantly moving
into a new stage in your life. You feel that you have no
voice or no choice in a situation. Consider how a waking situation may be
making you feel voiceless.
dream that you are being arrested indicates issues of control and
restraint. Some aspect of your Self may have been prevented from fully
developing. Alternatively, it suggests feelings of guilt.
see an arrow in your dream represents the targets that you are reaching
for and the goals you are setting for yourself. Alternatively, the arrow also
signifies an end to
suffering and the beginning of new-found pleasures and festivities. If
you are hit by an arrow, then it symbolizes release or exposure of some tension
and pressure. Consider the body part that the arrow hits.
see an old or broken arrow symbolizes disappointments and severed
relationships. Alternatively, it may indicate that you have changed your
mind about some decision.
see a two-headed arrow in your dream signifies opposing ideas and
viewpoints. You need to consider both sides.
the Freudian school of thought an arrow symbolizes the penis and its
ability to penetrate.
dream about an arson represents unexpressed rage that has the potential
to become destructive. It is best to express your anger instead of keeping
it bottled up inside.
dream that you are in an art gallery represents your past experiences.
Something in your past is having an impact in your current situation.
Alternatively, the dream may be telling you that you need to capture some
moment and preserve it.
see your arteries in your dream symbolize how well you carry yourself and your
ability to reach out to others. If you dream that your arteries are clogged,
then it indicates that some aspect of your
personality is hindering your progress or expression. To
dream that your artery is severed suggests that you still have a lot to learn
in life.
dream that you have arthritis indicates that you are having difficulties achieving your goals. You are feeling helpless to do anything or are lacking motivation and/or desire to
move forward with your plans. Alternatively, it signifies your rigid
see or eat an artichoke in your dream suggests that you need to get to
the heart of some matter. It is also representative of your potential and
creativity. Perhaps you are holding back in how you want to express
dream that you are an artist painting a picture signifies the creative
and intuitive side of your character. The picture that you are painting in
your dream may symbolize the way that you are visualizing your current
situation in your waking life.
Artwork To
dream that you are buying artwork suggests that you are willing to work hard
and follow directions. However, you lack leadership abilities. To
dream that you are selling artwork represents your ability to express yourself
and your beliefs.
Ascend To
see something ascend in your dream indicates that you need to have a better or
broader outlook on life. It is also symbolic of your lofty aspirations. Or the
dream may be a metaphor of your ability to rise above any situation.
Tree To
see an ash tree in your dream represents stability, protection, unity and
solidarity. The dream could be telling you that someone in your walking life
is offering you protection and stability. The ash tree may also be a pun
on "ashes" and of issues related to the past.
see ashes in your dream signify bitter changes and disruptions. Ashes
may represent a failed relationship or a ruinous business enterprise. You
feel that the good times are over and nothing of value is left
in your life. Alternatively, ashes may mean that you are dwelling too much on the
past. You need to learn to let go.
particular, to see or clean ashes in a fireplace or stove indicates that you
are unsatisfied with aspects of your life. You may be in a rut and feel trapped
by your daily routine.
see or use an ashtray in your dream suggests that you are trying to rid
yourself of former feelings/memories and your old ways. It symbolizes
relationships that have been extinguished and no longer intact.
Alternatively, it may be related to feelings of anxieties or connected to
your smoking habit, especially if you are trying to quit.
dream that you are in Asia suggests that you need to adjust to some
situation. If you are traveling to Asia or thinking about visiting Asia,
then your dream may indicate your anticipation of such a trip.
see an Asian person in your dream represents an aspect of your own self
that is unknown to you. Additionally, to see an elderly Asian person
represents tradition, wisdom and knowledge.
see an asp in your dream symbolizes misfortune, loss of honor and
respect, and hostility amongst friends and loved ones.